Help Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horse-drawn carriages should be a thing of the past. Instead of dodging distracted drivers, risking respiratory ailments from exhaust fumes, and pulling heavy loads across hard surfaces, horses deserve the right to live their lives with other horses out at pasture, enjoying themselves.
Horses used to pull tourist carriages have caused concern and outrage in recent years. In 2016 in Vancouver, a car horn spooked a pair of horses who ran off, lost the carriage driver, and crashed into a park bench. In 2018, in Victoria, a bus bumped a carriage causing two horses to fall. In 2020, Montréal banned calèches from its streets due to concerns about animal cruelty. And concerned citizens continue to raise the alarm for horse welfare in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ottawa, and Charlottetown, where horses pull tourists through busy streets.
Please speak out if you see horses being used to pull carriages:
• Write to businesses that sponsor horse carriage rides at local events.
• If your town allows horse-drawn carriages, write to your councilor or elected representative, explain the cruelty involved, and ask them to propose a ban and transition the industry to electric carriages.
• Let your friends and family know that there is nothing romantic or fun about being pulled by an exhausted animal while on holiday.
• And sign the petition to keep updated on the campaign to help horses.