Horrific Dog Killings Continue - Call for a Ban on Trapping & Snaring in PEI
Family pets continue to die in snares and leg-hold traps on PEI due to the province’s weak regulations that are heavily biased in favour of trappers. On the Island, traps can legally be set on Crown land, even though residents commonly hike on public land with their companion animals, an activity which is encouraged by the government. Traps are allowed to be set as near to residential homes as trappers wish, while snares can be set a mere 200 metres away. Trappers are under no obligation to report the location of their traps and snares or post signs, leaving pets at constant risk of being killed and injured, and leaving owners in constant fear.
The fur trade is on its way out, with pelt prices dropping drastically as many people refuse to wear fur. Please join Animal Justice in calling for a PEI trap and snare ban.