Millions of animals are used for research every year in Canada. Numerous species including mice, birds, fishes, and even dogs, cats, and primates endure heartbreaking pain and torture in the name of science. Shockingly, the federal government doesn’t regulate or oversee animal experimentation, leaving animals almost completely unprotected against mistreatment.
Additionally, animal testing is often unreliable and increasingly outdated. For example, 95 percent of drugs shown to be safe and effective in animal models fail in human clinical trials because of our inherent physical differences.
Luckily, state-of-the-art alternatives to animal testing are already being developed! These methods not only save lives, but they are more cost-effective and affordable than animal tests.
Please ask the Canadian government to oversee the use of animals in research and create a plan to phase out their use altogether as soon as possible by investing in and supporting the development, validation, and use of non-animal methods.