Caviar is a luxury product that is too cruel to be sold. Shocking new hidden camera video from a caviar farm in British Columbia shows fishes suffer for every spoonful of caviar: endangered sturgeons are confined in tiny, filthy, and overcrowded tanks for over a decade before they are violently shot in the head and their eggs cut out of them.
Many of the practices seen at the fish farm are incredibly disturbing. Sturgeons are often stabbed repeatedly during their lives so workers can suck eggs out of them with straws and determine if they’re sellable. One sturgeon named Gracie has been confined to a tiny tank for over 25 years so she can be used as a breeding machine.
Salmons, are also raised for their eggs, a product also known as "roe" or "ikura". At Northern Divine, salmons were scooped out of the water and thrown onto ice during the slaughter process—a practice that is cruel and goes against the aquaculture industry’s own weak guidelines.
Whole Foods is a mega supermarket chain that boasts about its sustainable offerings and high animal welfare standards—yet it sells caviar, a delicacy that is rife with animal cruelty. Add your voice! Ask Whole Foods to end the sale of caviar and roe in its stores immediately.