CFIA: Halt Illegal Live Horse Shipments

Image shows horse in crate ready for export at airport

CFIA: Halt Illegal Live Horse Shipments

Every year, thousands of Canadian horses are flown to Japan, where they endure horrific conditions and face violent slaughter to be served as a delicacy. A new investigation from Animal Justice shows that horse exporters regularly break the law by transporting horses longer than the legal time limit.

Animal Justice’s shocking new investigation documents multiple shipments of horses leaving Canada as well as arriving in Japan, and shows the extent of the cruelty these horses endure. They’re packed tightly into wooden crates, denied food, water, and rest for over 28 hours—Canada’s legal time limit—and sprayed with harsh chemical disinfectants at the Japanese quarantine facility. 

Please join us in asking the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to immediately put a halt to these unlawful shipments, and to prosecute the exporters responsible for exceeding the transport time limit, until a law is finally passed to ban live horse exports for slaughter.

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Every year, thousands of Canadian horses are flown to Japan, where they endure horrific conditions and face violent slaughter to be served as a delicacy. A new investigation from Animal Justice shows that horse exporters regularly break the law by transporting horses longer than the legal time limit.

Animal Justice’s shocking new investigation documents multiple shipments of horses leaving Canada as well as arriving in Japan, and shows the extent of the cruelty these horses endure. They’re packed tightly into wooden crates, denied food, water, and rest for over 28 hours—Canada’s legal time limit—and sprayed with harsh chemical disinfectants at the Japanese quarantine facility. 

Please join us in asking the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to immediately put a halt to these unlawful shipments, and to prosecute the exporters responsible for exceeding the transport time limit, until a law is finally passed to ban live horse exports for slaughter.